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Most of the corn (maize), soybeans, and cotton plants grown in the United States are GMOs with traits that confer tolerance to herbicides or resistance to insects. Companies are also working to develop crops that produce pharmaceutical substances (proteins, vaccines, and antibodies) and industrial chemicals (enzymes, proteins, and lubricants). As with many new technologies, some people are concerned about risks posed by GMOs and their novel traits. Many ecological and environmental risks of growing GMO crops are known (e.g., potential for increased weediness, potential for increasing pesticide resistantinsects and plants, impacts to non-target beneficial organisms, and gene exchange from crops to wild relatives). Agriculture and research with GMOs is regulated by the USDA and EPA to mitigate these risks. Health and environmental risks of GMO crops currently in production have been tested and were approved for use. Continuing testing is necessary, both on current crops and crops being considered for introduction. The bվ advocates careful case-by-case evaluation of GMO introductions to avoid risks to natural habitats, native plant communities, and rare and threatened species.     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